thank you coz melawat, aku hargai n mengalu2kan kedtgan korg! (^_^)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

order aku yg baru!

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 12:41 PM 0 comments
aku da order sjniskain yg berbulu ni....

bnyak bnda yg aku nk bt ngan kain ni,. cuma aku x pasti akan dpt disiapk @ tak?!
kalau dh siap, sprti biasa, aku akan jual di blogshop aku tu!

brg2 aku order!!!

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 12:22 PM 0 comments

brg2 yg tlh aku order smasa aku mnggila hari tu tlh smpai!
so, aku yg excited & trgedik2 ni x dpt manahan diri drpd mmbuka smpul pos laju tu ngan lajunya sprti pos laju!
dh la aku trima brg tu dlm mnggu aku still exam tu. time tgh baca buku lak aku dpt brg tu.
akupn x than tgok brg yg da dlm poslaju tu, terus aku buka!
bila buka!

sj je bt suspen, sbnarnya x suspen pun! smua brg yg aku order tlh smpai ke tgan aku dgn slamatnya !
klau bnda tu rosak time aku dpt, teruk la aku nangis seorg diri!

so, meh aku tunjuk sikit bnda2 yg mnarik minat jiwa & raga aku!
( kalau korg nk jg brg yg aku beli ni, korg leh isi order. ( klik sini utk order! )
harga utk brg ni akan aku reply lat order form yg korgisi tu.

projek utk keychain burung ni akan aku jual kat blogshop aku nnti. bt msa skrg x siap lg.
tp klau da sesapa yg berkenan nk tempah, leh la lawat blogshop aku ( klisk sini! )
ko buh code utk item ni Keychain Burung .
harga akan aku bg lepas korg isi order form, ok?

clip ni jg ada dijual kat blog aku, so leh la korg beli pd harga yg berpatutan!

ok, kalau sesapa yg masih xjd follower blogshop aku iaitu Sweet Corner, silalah follow ye?

thats all, tq (^_^)

aKu BuDaK BoRoS ?????

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 12:01 PM 0 comments
2 3 hari ni, aku tlh blogwalking kat blogshop craft/diy
(blogwalking la sgt, padahal shopping je aku tahu!)
disebabkn aku tetiba je terminat nk bt hasil craft2 ni, so aku terjah semua blogshop yg mna perhatian aku.
mcm2 ada kat blogshop tu.
so, i didnt have to go shopping outside my house!
because i'm a lazy girl,i just click the order form and then make the payment!
( time bt payment ni aku seringkali & selalu nyusahkan kak aku. coz aku xda akaun maybank, aku suruh dia bt payment kat aku! aku tlh di marah olhnya,jgn marah ek?! aku syg kak aku!)
lepastu, hahahahahaha.........
mai hasutan yg bnyak suruh aku mmbeli! bila aku beli, aku bukan nk igt ke dunia sgt!
lg2 bila aku jumpa benda yg memang menarik minat jiwa & raga aku utk membelinya!
i love it!
stlh berfikir & mnggila, aku pun mulalah isi order form. time nk bayar tu yg masalah coz aku xda duit! ( tahu nk beli je aku ni, xreti nk brjimat cermat! teruk! )
aku pn minta pd bos kat umah aku ni ( mak aku la tu! ). kdg2 bos x marah.
kalau kena time yg x brapa best sgt, dia brleter la sikit2, tp lepas tu, mak aku bg gak duit! ( tu yg mmbtkn aku lebih syg kpd mak aku!)
dan akhirnya stlh bnyak kali mnta kat bos duit, bos kata xleh mnta2 dh, klau nk pinjam leh la!
( mampus la aku nk bayar nnti! )
disebabkn aku bt prjanjian ngan bos iaitu : bos leh potong duit gaji hari2 sy sebnyak RM2.
aku xmau la dptong bnyak2 sgt duit gaji aku ni, kalau potong bnyak, aku pi skool xyah makan la!
hahahahahahahaha.............. ( sedihnya aku! )

so, aku sbnarnya nk beri moral/pngajaran drpd pngalaman hdup aku ni. korg jgnlah jd boros cm aku ni! x bgus & langsung x digalakkan. tp, klau korg nk belanja aku, itu amat digalakkn & blh mnambah saham di dunia & di akhirat nnti! 

exam sudah habis!

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 12:01 PM 0 comments
firstly, aku nk ucap tahniah kpd senior aku yg tlh mndpt result STPM pd 21 feb 11 ( Isnin )
ada 12 org ( klau x silap aku ) tlh mndpt 3 pointer ke atas
MUET pling tinggi band 3, bm smua org dpt principle, yg subjek lain aku x igt!
so, pointer yg paling tnggi kat skool aku adalah 3.75! fuhhh....
bnyak tu, tahniah2!
so thun ni aku kana pulun bg dpt the best!!!
target aku 3.5 pointer, tp aku takut x trcapai. so, paling minima aku nk dpt 3 pointer. paling max pun aku nk dpt 4 pointer ( mmang dh xda pointer yg lbih tinggi dr 4 pointer, tu yg aku kata pling max tu! )
MUET aku target bg dpt BAND 4! & aku nk pulunbg dpt band 5!!!
so, korg tolonglh doakan kejayaan utk aku,k?

so, brbalik semula pd tajuk post aku kali ni iaitu 'exam sudah habis!'
ok, exam aku star 22 Feb 11( Selasa ) smpailh 24 Feb 11 ( Khamis )
pd hri last exam ni aku rasa nk trmuntah bila baca buku bnyak2! ( ada jg mnusia mcm aku ni! )
bila jwab kertas exam, aku dgn kalutnya memakai minyak angin supaya tak termuntah!
so, overall semuanya masih berjalan lancar. aku xda sakit apa2, so mmang bagus ahr!

tp, masalah besar aku ialah ::::::

so, aku kan da buka blogshop aku ( klik sini! )
so, korg silalah brshopping kat blog aku! 
harga brg2 yg da kat blogshop aku tlh direduce bg mmberi kepuasan kpd pelanggan yg aku cintai!

aku jg akan mngadakan GA ( Give away ) yg first utk para follower personal blog aku & blogsop aku!
so, semua org dijemput utk mnyertainya!
hadiah2 aku akan sediakn FOC utk korg.nnti sku akan bt syarat prtandingn
 ( simple2 je, nk bg korg menang! )

hari SABTU ni lak, aku da kursus pngawas kat skool!hahahahahaha........
cutiku trganggu lg! sdihnya.... :''(
tp aku xmau kecewakn ckgu & aku pn nk dpt ilmu, aku akn pi la skool hari sabtu ni!

thats all utk post aku kali ni. so kalau da apa2 komen, korg dialu-alukn komen kat ruangan comment kat post ni.ok?tq....     (^_^)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

01/02/2011- revision at school !

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 1:01 AM 0 comments
Revision time CNY!
rajinnya aku! hahahahahaha ( perasan ! )

revision yg akhirnya jd sembang2 lpas hbis bt revision!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine day?!

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 5:14 AM 3 comments
aku da musykil sikit ahr, naper org Islam pun kalut gak nak smbut Valentine???
aku pn bkan baik sgt, tp aku xla smbut Valantine ni!
seigt aku, Valentine ni slalunya dismbut olh org bragama Kristian!
adakah org yg dok smbuthari Valantine ni sbnarnya dia kecelaruan IDENTITI ???
apa pndngan korg???
adakh anda jg trgolong jg diantara org2 yg 'KECELARUAN IDENTITI'
aku tulis post ni pn sebab aku thu Valentine dh dekat
Valentine dlm BM ialah Hari Memperingati Kekasih!
ok2, aku fham dh naper org2 yg 'KECELARUAN IDENTITI' mnyambut Valantine!
maybe ( klau aku silap, tlong btulkn! ) bila Valentine diterjemah dlm BM, ia akan mnjd Hari Memperingati Kekasih, di mna hmpir smua rakyat di negara ini mmpunyai kekasih
 ( boyfriend / pakwe / girlfriend / awek )msing2!
di atas sebab kasih yg mndlm trhadap kksih hati diaorg, si pasangan ni smbut Valantine bg mmprigti kksih hatinya tu!
( adakah aku btul? )
aku bkan nk kata kta x ptut mnghargai org yg mncintai kita!
klau nk hargai cinta tu, korg lakukan secara halal!
cmne yg aku kata halal ni???
bg yg mmang cinta sgt2, aku syorkn korg kahwin je!
x ke bgus dri korg dok bwa psngan org ke hulur ke hilir?!
xke dosa tu?!
aku pn bkannya baik sgt pun, tp aku jg gak la tatatertib tu!
pastu, da pula couple2 yg snggup mnjdkn malam Valantine sbgai mlm utk mmbt prkara yg terlarang dlm Islam ( berzina )
xke org2 cmtu patut kahwin je?

apa2 pun, perkara yg aku ingin smpaikn kat sini ialah hari Valantine xleh di sambut olh org umat Islam!
brtaubatlh andai kata korg dh trsmbut hari Valentine ni!
klau korg x smbut, aku ucapkn tahniah krna mmpu mmprthankn Islam dri di pndang negatif olh kaum2 lain!k?

itu je yg aku nk kata, andai kata korg trsinggung @ aku trsilap kata, maafkn aku.

yg baik dtg dari Allah, yg buruk itu dtg dri aku sndiri...
ok? wasalam....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Brutality as a Ceremonial Act

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 4:07 AM 0 comments
Dolphin is my favorite animal. Free, sociable and incredibly intelligent. However, there are civilizations that appear to think that dolphins are too much, and use them in their ritual purposes. Is the red sea of dolphins blood reality or a dream? Real photo or photo-montage? It would be good if only this could photo-montage…
Each year the sea around Faroe Islands (constituent country of the Kingdom of Denmark, along with Denmark proper and Greenland), is stained red, not because of the effects of the climate or through a Biblical plague but because of the cruelty of supposedly human beings. Hundreds of the famous Calderon dolphins are slaughtered by young teens in a celebration to demonstrate their maturity and passage into adulthood. In this celebration those who not actively participating in the slaughter are watching. They don’t die instantly; they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hooks. With each cut the dolphins produce a grim cry like that of a new born child.
I can not stand and not to ask a question, is it possible that in this way someone shows the maturity? Does the brutal and unnecessary killing hundreds of dolphins shows wisdom? For me this is just confirmation of facts that comparison people with animals is insulting – for animals, of course!
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thank you to Weird Existence

7 Amazing Transparent Animals – Wonders of Nature

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 3:58 AM 0 comments
Nature is fascinating and often weird, it surprises us when we least expect. Some creatures use the camouflage techniques as a hunting and defense mechanism, others show everything they have -  liketransparent animals. Despite of what we are inclined to think, transparent and translucent animals live also on the ground, not only in the abyss of the ocean and we have visual proof of it. Nothing is photoshopped!

1 Transparent Frog

Transparent Animals - Wonders of Nature
Transparent Animals - Wonders of Nature
Transparent Animals - Wonders of Nature
Umm, not so fast, prof… have you seen the “glass frog” (above), native to the Venezuelan rainforest? Like the transparent frogs selectively bred in the lab from generations of pale-skinned Japanese Brown Frogs, the Glass Frog’s internal organs and eggs can be seen without too much trouble. Word to Professor Sumida: take the grant money and run!

2. Transparent Cave Crayfish

Transparent Animals - Wonders of Nature
Transparent Animals - Wonders of Nature
Caves are some of the darkest places on the planet – even sophisticated light-gathering instruments are unable to register a single photon in the deepest, darkest caves. Under these conditions, creatures including fish, spiders, insects and crayfish have evolved into “troglobites”: animals so precisely adapted to living in darkness that they cannot survive outside cave environments. Under such conditions, neither eyes nor pigmentation are necessary.

3. Transparent Sea Cucumber

Transparent Animals - Wonders of Nature
Transparent Animals - Wonders of Nature
Slow moving, soft bodied bottom dwellers for the most part, Sea Cucumbers are an ancient lineage of sea creatures who have evolved a variety of ways to survive and thrive over hundreds of millions of years of evolution. For some Sea Cucumbers, being transparent allows them to fly under the radar, as it were, of predators in search of a quick & easy kill.

4. Transparent Icefish

Transparent Animals - Wonders of Nature
Fund in the cold waters around Antarctica and southern South America, the crocodile icefish (Channichthyidae) feed on krill, copepods, and other fish. Their blood is transparent because they have no hemoglobin and/or only defunct erythrocytes. Their metabolism relies only on the oxygen dissolved in the liquid blood, which is believed to be absorbed directly through the skin from the water. This works because water can dissolve the most oxygen when it is coldest.

5. Transparent Amphipod

Transparent Animals - Wonders of Nature
Called Phronima, this unusual animal is one of the many strange species recently found on an expedition to a deep-sea mountain range in the North Atlantic. In an ironic strategy for survival, this tiny shrimplike creature shows everything it has, inside and out, in an attempt to disappear.

6. Transparent Squid

Transparent Animals - Wonders of Nature
Found on the southern hemisphere’s oceans, the Glass Squid (Teuthowenia pellucida) has light organs on its eyes and possesses the ability to roll into a ball, like an aquatic hedgehog.

7. Transparent Siphonophores

Transparent Animals - Wonders of Nature
Transparent Animals - Wonders of Nature
Siphonophores belong to the Cnidaria, a group of animals that includes the corals, hydroids, and true jellyfish. Marrus orthocanna, a deep sea siphonophore. The combined digestive and circulatory system is red; all other parts are transparent.

Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 3:50 AM 0 comments
Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (12)At first glance these objects look like they are in motion, almost like every object is falling down, especially the “strawberry blanket”. In reality they are actually natural materials, like feathers, fruits and flowers, attached to nylon threads. Sculptor Claire Morgan from Belfast is the creator of this magnificent art work. She has among other things achieved a first class degree in Sculpture from Northumbria University.
Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motionAmazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (11)Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (10)
Since graduating she has pursued a career solely as a visual artist. She has exhibited internationally, with solo shows, residencies and commissions across the UK, as well as group exhibitions in Europe. At an early stage she developed a strong interest in the organic, in natural processes, and in the bodily connotations of natural materials. This formed the basis for her practice as an artist creating sculptural installations and continues to influence her work at present.
Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (9)Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (8)Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (7)Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (6)Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (5)Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (4)Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (3)Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (2)Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (1)

A big thank you to thisblogrules .

One of the Ugliest Creatures on Earth

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 3:39 AM 0 comments
To the common man sea pigs may look like sea creatures produced from a cross between a pig and a slug. To some others it appears to be human fingers growing out of the creature’s mouth. But scientifically, these ugly sea pigs are scotoplanes or sea cucumbers belonging to the genus of the deep sea Holothurians.
Weird ahr! but interesting to see this creature that have Allah made!

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