thank you coz melawat, aku hargai n mengalu2kan kedtgan korg! (^_^)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Posted by huSDee_sweet at 5:04 AM 0 comments
aku bru dpat buku BI yg best2!
best tul citer tu! syoknya!!!

exam ( 17.10.2010 - 26.10.2010 )

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 5:01 AM 0 comments
mnggu2 exam bt aku gain more weight &
 dok atas katil je bca buku!
become so LAZY !!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bahagia nya dapat Boyfriend macam dia...

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 3:43 AM 0 comments
Saya suka tengok jari awek saya... Cantik betul... Sungguh! Sampai takut nak pegang... Bukan takut patah... Tapi takut nanti jari kitorang tak boleh tolong each other Di satu hari yang giler forever depan yang maha Esa...   

Saya suka tengok rambut awek saya... Cantik betol... Sungguh! Sebab tu saya belikan tudung... Bukan sebab jeles orang lain tengok jugak.... Tapi takut nanti terbakar dek api neraka Di suatu hari yang giler forever  

Saya suka tengok body awek saya... Cantik betol... Sungguh! Sebab tu saya belikan dia telekong Supaya mase dia jumpa dengan Kekasih dia Yang Utama Dia lagi cantik dan berseri menghadap Nya. Saya pun tumpang dapat pahala. Pheh syoknye...  

Saya sedih tengok awek saya Tak tido, tak makan rindu kat saya... Saya pun macam tu jugak, Ada problem yang sama.. Dia tanya apa ubatnya? Saya pun bagi dia Quran untuk penenang jiwa... Semoga lebih cintakan Nya dari saya...  

Saya sedih tengok awek saya Selalu pesan macam-macam kat saya... "Makan, minum, drive elok-elok tau.. Nanti awak sakit saya susah ati bla bla bla bla" katanya... Tapi bila tengok movie sama-sama burn asar maghrib gitu Die tak kata satu apa pun... Berdosanye saya....  

Kesimpulannya saya memang sayang dia... Nak jumpa dia giler forever... Yang forever punye forever... Di dunia dan akhirat terutamanya, Janji nak share heaven sama-sama... Bahagia selamanya...   Semoga kami saling mengingati, Dosa sendiri pun infiniti... Nak tanggung dosa dia lagi pulak lepas ni... Semoga kami menginsafi diri... Ya Allah ampunkanlah kami.... Semoga kami dapat bersama selamanya nanti...    

P/S - andai anda seorang wanita muslimah... Mesti seronok kan kalau pasangan kita berfikiran camtu... Then kalu anda seorang muslim... Apa kata tanamkan dalam hati camtu... Cinta tu anugerah Allah... Pandai-pandai la kita menjaga nikmat Allah itu ye... Semoga saya pun ambik iktibar jgak... Wassalam 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

SoaLaN yg KaDaNg2 BuaT aKu & SeSeTeNgaH oRaNg TeRtaNya2!

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 2:54 AM 0 comments
Aku mula2 xmau ahr citer bab2 ni coz agak sensitif bagi sesetengah org!
tp, disebabkan ramai org tertanya2, so terfikir utk brkongsinya dgan pembaca blog aku yg aku sygi...  (^_^)

SoaLaN : 
Swaktu berkahwin, boleh tak kita berarak seperti berjalan kaki mengelilingi taman @ kampung? adakah Islam membenarkan kita buat begitu? ada tak hukum atau ayat2 dlm al-Queran @ hadis yg boleh ustaz tunjukkan.

JaWaPaN : 
innamala'malubinniyat (sesungguhnya amalan itu bermula dengan niat). yang pertama, apakah tujuannya? jika untuk penghebahan tentang sesuatu pasangan itu telah berkahwin adalah cukup dengan majlis walimatulurus itu sendiri. Mengadakan walimatul urus adalah tuntutan yang disunatkan untuk mengelakkan fitnah manakala menghadirinya adalah diwajibkan.walimatulurus yang diirigini dengan hiburan yang disertakan dengan hiburan yang melalaikan (tari menari, berlaku percampuran lelaki dan perempuan) adalah diharamkan
kalau untuk bergambar kenangan di taman (dengan menutup aurat) adalah harus hukumnya. perarakan pengantin lelaki menuju ke rumah pengantin perempuan tidak mendatangkan masalah tetapi tujuan berarak keliling kampung itu perlu diberitahu tujuannya........kerana dalam Islam apa juga perkara yang boleh mendatngkan perasaan riak adalah haram hukumnya walaupun ketika majlis persandingan.....
Mengenai kenduri kahwin ini, Rasulullah S.A.W ada menegaskan bahawa tidak semestinya kenduri tersebut dilakukan secara besar-besaran, malah dalam sabda Baginda tersebut, Rasulullah menyatakan bahawa sudah memadai jika kenduri tersebut dilakukan dengan hanya sekadar menyembelih seekor kambing sahaja. Dalam persoalan ini, kita sudah sedia maklum bagaimana keadaan orang Arab yang mana mereka jika seekor kambing disembelih hanya untuk hidangan 3 ke 4 orang sahaja. Dari itu, apa yang dapat kita fahami melalui hadis tersebut ialah cukup sekiranya kita buat kenduri kahwin tersebut sekadarnya sahaja dengan menjemput masyarakat setempat datang ke rumah kita dan kita jamu mereka dengan makanan yang sekadarnya sahaja.
*kita ambil pendekatan daripada hadith ini bahawa tidak salah untuk mengadakan majlis walimatulurus tetapi jika berlebihan ia boleh mendatang banyak masalah iaitu:
1) timbul riak bagi pengantin dan keluarganya
2) mendatangkan umpatan daripada masyarakat
3) membelakangi sunnah
4) mendatangkan pembaziran dll....

SoaLaN :
 tentang pemakaian 'contact lens' yg bewarna.
adakah org Islam boleh memakainya?
kerana sy & beberapa rakan sy tertanya, adakah kita boleh memakainya kerana pemakaian 'contact lens' yg bewarna menyebabkan mata kita bertukar menjadi warna lain dan mengubah warna asal mata kita.

JaWaPaN : 
asalnya hukumnya adalah harus.....tidak ada masalah tetapi hukum ini boleh bertukar menjadi haram jika pemakai itu menukar warna contact lens itu atas dasar mencantikkan lagi matanya atau sekdar untuk tujuan fesyen. ini adalah kerana dengan mata yang lain drpd yang lain boleh menarik perhatian kaum lelaki yang bukan mahram.....kalau dipakai untuk suami hukumnya juga harus tetapi untuk keluar rumah adalah amat tidak digalakkan kerana sebab-sebab di atas. kalau atas nasihat doktor juga tidak mendtangkan masalah.

sesungguhnya zina itu datangnya dari seribu macam cara dan Rasulullah SAW bersabda agar kita menjauhi daripada sebarang perbuatan yang boleh menghampiri zina...Wallahualam 

SoaLaN :
kalau pemakian bulu mata palsu pula mcm mna???

JaWaPaN : 
Hukum menggunakan bulu mata palsu adalah diharamkan jika tidak mempunyai sebarang keperluan yang mendesak. Antara contoh keperluan yang mendesak adalah seperti mereka yang mengalami kecacatan, penyakit ataupun kemalangan yang menyebabkan kehilangan rambut, kening, bulu mata atau sebagainya. Maka dalam kes-kes yang terpencil seperti ini mereka biharuskan untuk memakai rambut dan bulu mata atau kening palsu bagi mengelakkan keaiban yang terdapat pada diri mereka.

#mata boleh dicantikkan dengan memakai celak...sunnah Rasulullah SAW

SoaLaN :
kalau pemakian celak tu menarik perhatian lelaki, mcm mna???

JaWaPaN : 
janganlah pakai terlalu tebal, cukup sekadar nipis. Memakai celak adalah sunnah sebagaimana hadis Nabi SAW yang bermaksud: Memakai celak pada malam hari boleh memberi manfaat pada tubuh badan. Memakai celak pada siang hari adalah perhiasan. dan celak ini tidak dikategorikan sebagai aurat...

Semua soalan yg terbuku di hatiku telah terjawab!
rasa lapang dada sikit.
so, bg sesapa yg da soalan tentang sesuatu perkara yg menimbulkan keraguan, leh la bg thu kat aku.
insyallah, aku akn minta tolong ustaz utk memberi jawapan tu.
korg boleh lah hantar soalan tu dengan click here!!!
insyallah ustaz tu leh jwab. ok???
Assalamualaikum...   (^-')

Sunday, October 10, 2010

TuGaS aKu..

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Hari ni class monitor aku xmai skool.
so, i as an assistant class have to do the work.
Penat tu, jalan merata tempat utk cari cikgu.
Kelas pun dh tukar pi blok terakhir!
seksa hidup!!! :-((
tandas jauh, bilik guru jauh, kantin je yg  dekat, makmal komputer pun jauh gak!
tapi, aku reda coz bukan aku yg bt skool tu...

Sudahlah tu pasal citer aku. aku nk tunjuk kat korg contact lens yg segak2!
( tapi, aku x minat nk beli. just nk show kat korg je! )
leh open kat laman web ni click here!!!

CoNtaCt LeNseS

Posted by huSDee_sweet at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Ni sj2 je cerita coz kat skool aku bnyak sngat org pkai contact lens!
aku pun x sure leh pkai pi skool ke tak?!  (?-?)
tp, ckgu pun xkata apa pun kat depa. so, boleh la kot.
aku pun teringin gak nak pakai, tapi bnyak sgt effect nya.
so, i rather didnt wear it than i get BLIND!!!
so, ni da sikit information about contact lens ni.
(tak paksa pun x pkai contact lens @ pkai. Depends on yourself my frined! )

Contact lenses are thin, curved plastic disks designed to cover the cornea, the clear front covering of the eye. Contacts cling to the film of tears over the cornea because of surface tension, the same force that causes a drop of water to cling to the side of a glass. Contacts provide a safe and effective way to correct vision when used with care and proper supervision. They can offer a good alternative to eyeglasses, depending on your eyes and your lifestyle. Over 24 million people in the United States now wear contact lenses.
Contact lenses are used to correct the same conditions that eyeglasses correct:

  • Myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Hyperopia (farsightedness)
  • Astigmatism (distorted vision)
  • Presbyopia (need for bifocals)
Special tinted contacts can be used to change the color of the eyes to various degrees. Contact lenses are sometimes used therapeutically in eye diseases where an uneven cornea blurs vision, such as keratoconus or scarring.
The health of your eyes should be your main concern. An eye doctor will help you decide whether contact lenses are right for you. Choose an eye care professional who is knowledgeable and experienced with contact lenses.
Types of Contact Lenses
Many types of contact lenses are available. The type of contacts you use depends on your particular situation. Your eye doctor will be able to help you choose from the following types of lenses.
PMMA lenses: Rigid or "hard" contacts were the first lenses; they were developed in the 1960's. They are made of a type of plastic called PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate), which is very durable, but does not allow oxygen in the air to directly reach the cornea. When the eye blinks, the lens moves, which allows the oxygen dissolved in the tears to reach the cornea. Rigid lenses are the least comfortable type of contacts and are not really used anymore. However, some people still prefer them for their durability and lower cost.
Gas-permeable lenses: These lenses are also known as "RGPs." They are newer rigid or "hard" lenses made of plastics combined with other materials, such as silicone and fluoropolymers, which allow oxygen in the air to pass directly through the lens. For this reason, they are called "gas permeable."
Soft contact lenses: These lenses are made of plastic materials that incorporate water. The water makes them soft and flexible, as well as allowing oxygen to reach the cornea. More than 75% of contact lens wearers in the United States use soft lenses.
  • Extended wear contact lenses: made of material designed to last 2-4 weeks.
  • Daily disposable lenses: although generally more expensive, carry a lower infection risk.
  • Toric contact lenses: correct moderate astigmatism. They are available in both rigid and soft materials.
Generally, contacts should be removed at bedtime due to risk of infection and risk of contact lens intolerance.
What is the Cost?
When comparing the price of contact lenses, it's important to consider what services are included. Does the fitting include a thorough eye examination and follow-up? Can you exchange lenses during the initial fitting, and is insurance for lost lenses available? If you need treatment for an eye condition not directly related to the contact lenses, such as inflamed eyelids or dry eyes, there may be additional charges.
What Are the Risks?
PMMA lenses are more likely to scratch the cornea if the lens does not fit properly or if the lens is worn while sleeping. They are also more likely to slide off the cornea and become hidden under the lid. Rigid lenses traditionally had a reputation for "popping out" of the eye. New lens designs have minimized the chance of loosing a contact even during vigorous exercise. Rigid gas-permeable lenses and soft extended-wear contacts are the most likely to have protein build-up and cause lens-related allergies. Protein build-up results in discomfort, blurring and intolerance to the lenses. You will need special cleaning solutions to dissolve the protein.
Daily-wear lenses should never be worn as extended-wear lenses. Misuse can lead to temporary and even permanent damage to the cornea. People who wear any type of lens overnight have a greater chance of developing infections of the cornea. These infections are often due to poor cleaning and lens care. Improper over wearing of contact lenses can result in intolerance, leading to the inability to wear contact lenses.
Rigid gas-permeable or disposable lenses may be good choices for someone with allergies.

Who Should NOT Wear Contact Lenses?
Most people who need vision correction can wear contact lenses, but there are some exceptions. Some of the conditions that might keep you from wearing contact lenses are: frequent eye infections, severe allergies, dry eye (improper tear film), a work environment that is very dusty or dirty and inability to handle and care for the lenses properly.
Are Contacts For You?
Whether or not contact lenses are a good choice for you depends on:
  • individual needs and expectations
  • patience and motivation during the initial adjustment period to contact lens wear.
  • adhering to contact lens guidelines for wear, disinfecting and cleaning
  • diagnosis and treatment of conditions that may prevent contact lens wear
How Do You Care For Them?
  • Contact lenses must be properly cleaned and disinfected when you remove them to kill germs and prevent infections
  • At the time you insert your contact lenses, you should thoroughly rinse the case with warm water and allow it to dry. All contact lens cases need frequent cleaning, including disposable lens cases.
  • Do not put your lens in your mouth and then in your eye
  • Do not use homemade cleaning solutions, they have been linked to serious eye infections
  • Do not attempt to sterilize disposable lenses - throw them away
  • Do not mix different brands of solutions
  • Any eye drops, even nonprescription ones, can interact with all types of contact lenses. Use the brand of solution prescribed by our doctor or check with the doctor before changing brands
Wear Your Lenses Properly
  • Wash your hands with soap prior to handling contact lenses or touching your eye
  • Do not share your lenses with someone else
  • Do not take your lenses in and out repeatedly throughout the day
  • Do not use fashion lenses (non-prescription color lenses) unless they are fitted by an optometrist or an ophthalmologist
  • Do not purchase bootleg lenses
  • Wear lenses on the schedule prescribed by your doctor
  • Dispose of your lenses at the interval prescribed by your doctor
Call Your Doctor When You Notice These Symptoms
  • Your eye is painful
  • Your eye is red for more than two days
  • You have discharge from your eye
  • You have blurry vision
  • Your eye feels scratchy

information ni leh dapat kat click here!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Posted by huSDee_sweet at 5:15 AM 0 comments
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